This year we are offering a couple of special Black Friday / Cyber Monday offers. Check them out below, they are all limited in stock!
Offers will be added through the day and over the weekend till Monday, so make sure visit again!
-You MUST have your own ...

We are happy to announce that iFog GmbH - AS34927 is now fully operational on NL-IX in Frankfurt....
This year we are offering a couple of special Black Friday / Cyber Monday offers. Check them out below, they are all limited in stock!
Offers will be added through the day and over the weekend till Monday, so make sure visit again!
-You MUST have your own ...

We are pleased to announce the availability of our large VPSs in Fremont and Amsterdam.
Over the last few weeks, we have upgraded our Infrastructure in both locations making those new offerings possible.
Our large VPSs offer up to 16GBs of RAM and 150GB of SSD Storage, with a maximum of 4 C...
Over the last few weeks and months we expanded our network with a new POP in Amsterdam, new Backbone and Transit links as well as a small additional POP in Zurich.
Carrier upgrades
In late December 2020, we added a Cogent Transit port in Zurich. To improve our connectivity into eastern Eur...

Barcelona, the newest addition to our Network is now live!
We are now offering Web Hosting and VPSs in Barcelona, our Anycast DNS Service is also available in this new location. In Barcelona, we are very well connected both Internationally and locally with NTT and GTT as our indirect upstreams....
We are proud to announce that we now offer BGP Action Communities for all our Customers in Frankfurt, London, Zurich and Norway.
The following BGP Communities are supported as of now:
- 0 - no Export
- 1 - 1x prepend
- 2 - 2x prepend
Full List of BGP Communities per Location:

iFog GmbH is proud to announce our newest addition to our network: DE-CIX Frankfurt!
With this additional Internet Exchange Point we hope to provide better routes to destinations all across Europe.
AS34927 - iFog GmbH is now fully oprtational @FIXO in Oslo, Norway.

We are happy to announce that iFog GmbH - AS34927 is now present on LINX London 1.