BGP Community Support

We are proud to announce that we now offer BGP Action Communities for all our Customers in Frankfurt, London, Zurich and Norway.

The following BGP Communities are supported as of now:

  • 0 - no Export
  • 1 - 1x prepend
  • 2 - 2x prepend

Full List of BGP Communities per Location:
34927,947x - Cogent
34927,961x - Telia
34927,911x - Meerfarbig
34927,913x - Hurricane Electric
34927,916x - GTT
34927,948x - RETN
34927,950x - Deutsche Telekom
34927,977x - Core-Backbone

34927,930x - DE-CIX FRA
34927,931x - KleyReX
34927,932x - LocIX FRA
34927,933x - NL-IX
34927,934x - EVIX
34927,939x - DE-CIX MUC
34927,940x - LocIX DUS
34927,941x - DE-CIX DUS
34927,942x - DE-CIX HAM
34927,973x - DE-CIX MAD
34927,945x - STACIX
34927,963x - FogIXP

34927,913x - Hurricane Electric
34927,956x - Liberty Global
34927,947x - Cogent
34927,965x - Lumen
34927,917x - Zare (limited distribution)
34927,961x - Telia

34927,936x - SwissIX
34927,938x - CHIX-CH
34927,949x - Community-IX
34927,963x - FogIXP

34927,961x - Telia
34927,956x - Liberty Global
34927,947x - Cogent
34927,913x - Hurricane Electric
34927,957x - WD6

34927,952x - LSIX
34927,953x - SpeedIX
34927,954x - AMS-IX
34927,955x - FrysIX
34927,960x - NetIX
34927,933x - NL-IX
34927,970x - ERA-IX
34927,971x - Inter-IX
34927,979x - France-IX

Do-Not-Export to LGI Peering: 0, 6830

34927,961x - Telia
34927,917x - Zare
34927,913x - Hurricane Electric

34927,935x - LINX LON
34927,943x - LoNAP

34927,918x - TerraHost
34927,913x - Hurricane Electric

34927,937x - FIXO
34927,944x - FSIX

34927,947x - Cogent
34927,961x - Telia

34927,973x - DE-CIX MAD
34927,974x - DE-CIX BCN
34927,975x - DE-CIX LIS
34927,976x - Barcelona-IX

34927,920x - GVVME
34927,913x - Hurricane Electric
34927,947x - Cogent

34927,946x - KCIX
34927,964x - SIX

34927,972x - GoCodeIT
34927,913x - Hurricane Electric

34927,973x - ONIX
34927,974x - Accurix

34927,972x - GoCodeIT

34927,980x - NVIX

34927,958x - Mythic Beasts
34927,978x - DMIT

34927,959x - SFMIX
34927,934x - EVIX
34927,962x - IX Reserved

34927, 966x - RansomIT
34927, 913x - Hurricane Electric

34927, 967x - EdgeIX Sydney

34927, 9010 - Do-Not-Export outside of Metro Area

x=0 - no Export, x=1 - 1x prepend, x=2 - 2x prepend
DE-CIX FRA and FIXO only: x=9 - no Export to direct Peers

Notes: IXPs include direct peers over that IXP.
Some Upstreams / Peerings are v4 or v6 only.

BGP Informal Communities
34927,110 - Transit Frankfurt/EU
34927,130 - Frankfurt IXPs
34927,930 - NL-IX
34927,810 - Transit Switzerland
34927,830 - Switzerland IXPs

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