Dedicated Server Amsterdam


iFog GmbH offers Dedicated in its Digital Realty AMS17 location. For our Dedicated offers, we use Supermicro Servers with Intel Xeon CPUs.
All resources can be upgraded upon request.

Private VLAN
BGP Session (Default Route or Full Table)
Looking Glass:
IXP Ports

Dedicated Server D1 Amsterdam
CPU Intel Xeon E3 4c/8t
Storage 500GB SSD
IPs /31 IPv4, /48 IPv6
OS Debian 12
Location DRT AMS17
Options BGP Session, IXP Ports, Direct Transit
Traffic 100M on up to 1Gbit/s (faire-use)
Order Order 55.- CHF/m

Available Add-Ons
-BGP Session
-10G Port
-IXP Access
-VLANs between VMs and Dedis
-Additional IPv4/IPv6 addresses and IPv4/IPv6 prefixes
-Fiber Crossconnects
-Direct T1 Transit Sessions

BGP Session
-BGP Sessions are with AS34927

All VPS / Servers are activated manually, this can take up to 24h. There are no automated Installs and/or Templates available.