IP & Connectivity

Die iFog GmbH betreibt ihr eigenes Backbone Netzwerk unter der AS34927. Wir können ihnen qualitativ hochwertigen IPv4 und IPv6 Transit in Europa und Nord-Amerika anbieten.
IPv6 Transit ist grundsätzlich kostenlos via IXPs und Tunnels (tunnelbroker.li).
IPv4 und IPv6 Transit ab CHF 10.-/m (flat-fee, fair-use). IP Transit ist verfügbar an folgenden IXP Standorten: Frankfurt, Amsterdam, London, Oslo, Zürich, Kansas, Fremont.
Um mehr zu unsere IP Transit angebote zu erhalten, kontaktieren sie uns: info@ifog.ch
L2 Services

iFog GmbH offers leased lines and L2 Transport between its POPs in Zürich, Frankfurt and Amsterdam ranging from 100Mbit/s to 10Gbit/s. Our L2 Transport Services can be delivered as a VLAN on an XC in any on-net location or as a VLAN to VPS. 100Mbit/s L2 starts at CHF 42.-/mo.
In addition, we also offer Metro L2 and Dark Fiber Transport between more than 20 data centers in Germany, Switzerland, and the Netherlands.
Last mile FTTH and DSL circuits are available in Germany, Switzerland, and the Netherlands.
If you want to get a L2, FTTH, DSL or Dark Fiber Quote, contact us: info@ifog.ch
IXP Access
iFog GmbH offers IXP Access to CHIX-CH, SwissIX, DE-CIX, AMS-IX, NL-IX, LINX, LONAP and more ranging from 100Mbit/s to 1Gbit/s. IXP ports can be delivered on a VLAN in any on-net location.
If you want to get an IXP Access Quote, contact us: info@ifog.ch
NL-IX Access / Peering peering ports are available in Frankfurt and Amsterdam starting from CHF 22.-/month + 90.- setup for 100M. (Order here).
Direct BGP Session with T1s and T2s
Resold BGP IP Transit sessions with Cogent, RETN, Telia, GTT, DTAG, Hurricane Electric, and Liberty Global are available in mutliple locations, upon request in any of our on-net locations.
Cogent IP Transit sessions are available in Zurich and Amsterdam starting from CHF 55.-/month. 50Mbit/s 95th inlcuded, above billed on the 95th perfectile for 0.90 CHF/mbps. (Order here).
RETN IP Transit sessions are available in Frankfurt starting from CHF 37.-/month. Traffic is billed on the 95th for 1.90 CHF. (Order here).
IP Transit Ordering
IP Transit Fremont
Our Blend consists of: SFMIX, HE, Mythic Beasts (Level3/Lumen) and many direct peerings such as Google, Facebook, Amazon.
A Looking Glass can be found here: lg.fmt.fognet.ch
--10Mbit/s 95th: CHF 10.-/mo
--50Mbit/s 95th: CHF 35.-/mo
--100Mbit7s 95th CHF 60.-/mo
We support RJ45 Crossconnects ($50 one-time at Hurricane Electric) or fiber crossconnects.
Order Fremont Transit
If you want to get a Quote on GTT, Telia, DTAG, Liberty Global or Hurricane Electric, contact us: info@ifog.ch
Discounts are available on higher commits.